Wise heads on young shoulders – Part 2
Three of our younger volunteers tell us about their involvement in prison ministry
I was drawn to PF through my interest and area of study (I am a criminology and criminal justice student) but also by my Christian faith. I wanted to combine the two! So, one evening, I Googled ‘Christian prison Charity UK’ and there it was, top of the list!
From the get-go, I’ve thrown myself into PF life as much as I can. I began attending the monthly prayer meetings and, not long before Covid-19, I received security clearance and went into my group’s prison a few times. The amazing work I saw happening in the prison really pushed me to use it as the topic for my dissertation at university. Since then, I have completed my proposal for my dissertation research titled ‘Christian faith-based prison rehabilitation: does it work in the UK?’ for which I was awarded a 1st.
The people we work with and help are often seen as ‘bad blood’, awful people and unworthy by society. I want to be a part of tearing down those perceptions and showing their worth and value, and that they are children of God. There is more than enough space in His Kingdom for each and every one of these men and women we meet.
I really value the prayers my local PF group say for me. Earlier this year myself, my disabled sister, mum and step dad were all really ill with Covid-19 and the group prayed for us. My group leader regularly checks up on me, too. I really value her, she is an amazing woman!
For information on becoming a PF volunteer, please visit prisonfellowship.org.uk/get-involved