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Angel Tree PowerPoint

This is a simple seven-slide PowerPoint, with big pictures and powerful quotes from parents of Angel Tree recipients. It is ideal for giving an introduction to the Angel Tree programme, and you are welcome to use it in your church, small group, community group or any other context it might be useful!

Download the PowerPoint

Click on the button below to download the PowerPoint to your computer. You are welcome to use it in any context where you are promoting the work of Angel Tree and Prison Fellowship. Array
“I can honestly say that I never had as much satisfaction when I worked as I do now as a volunteer.” — Arthur, Chaplaincy Support volunteer

Volunteer with PF

Volunteers are the life-blood of our organisation, and what they do in the lives of those in prison and as they pray, is incredibly valuable. If you are looking to use your time to support some of the most marginalised people in our society to transform their lives, then volunteering could be for you.

Find out more