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‘A gift of love at Christmas.’ – Tim Spargo Mabbs

In the highest, glory to God. On earth, peace. Among humans, good will.

This time of year is particularly reminiscent of my childhood. As a child waiting for Christmas, there was a rising sense of magic and excitement. We were all waiting for something special to happen. And, as a child, it wasn’t about Jesus for me, until later, as much as about presents. My parents were very good at making us know we were loved through material gifts.

Anyone who knows me at all knows I am absolutely fanatical about books. So why didn’t I start this devotion by praising the Angel Tree offer of a Christian book? After all, the year before I became a Christian, a dear old lady had given me The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis and I had loved it so much that, at Christmas, my parents gave me the boxed set of The Complete Chronicles of Narnia. I have never been the same since!

The answer I think is because I don’t want us to underestimate or undervalue the gift-giving aspect of Angel Tree. Something that comes with no strings attached speaks powerfully of the intent of the donor to the recipient, of the parent for their child, and quietly of the Creator for His creature.

God, as Tom Wright has observed, is the Lord of Space, Time and Matter. Jesus doesn’t harp on as much about disembodied bliss when we die (that’s Plato), as about God’s will being done on earth (now) as it is in heaven. And that’s justice, including economic and social justice – among other things people having the material resources they need to thrive. Sure a book can be an amazing way of pointing to God and yes, we should always, seize the opportunity when offered. Just continue to pray and praise God for the people who haven’t given us permission to send a book.

Angel Tree is now in crucial phase. Presents (and books) are being rapidly wrapped and posted. If you are part of this amazing ministry – thank you!

If you would like to become involved, please get in touch, either with me or with your local group leader. Please pray for absolutely every parent and child involved in the present and book process. I pray that each person knows through the wonder of presents, the love of a parent, and through that love glimpse, however fleetingly, the love of God. And may each of you have a spiritually, materially, emotionally and socially blessed Christmas in the embrace of the God who so loved the world that He gave not only His disembodied angels but His only Son in a human body and us in the Church as His gift to others.

Tim Spargo-Mabbs is Prison Fellowship’s Programmes Co-ordinator.

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