Pastoral Care

We are delighted that PF has been asked, alongside the bereavement support charity Cruse, to support HMPPS Chaplaincy in their pastoral care for people in prison.

The nature of being in prison leads many to experience profound feelings of loss. This may arise from a bereavement or from simply being separated from family and friends. Whatever the cause, people in prison are often deeply affected by the emotional impact of loss and prison Chaplains play a key role in their pastoral care.

Our Pastoral Care ministry supports the chaplaincy teams in their care for people in prison who are experiencing loss or bereavement.

‘Those I visit may be struggling with things such as depression, loneliness, family break-up and other serious issues. Sometimes, I can signpost them to other agencies within the prison for more support. They are grateful to have someone willing to give them time and I may visit them a few times.’

‘We climb down into the pit to be with that person and then help them, rung by rung, to come out of the dark place they were in.’

– Pastoral Care Volunteers

Register your interest in taking part in this significant ministry by filling in the volunteer application form.

How can I get involved?

All our Chaplaincy Support work is run through PF’s local groups, who build a relationship with the Chaplains and ensure our volunteers are meeting a real need in that prison. If you are interested in volunteering in chaplaincy, the first step is to apply to be a PF volunteer, and if you are approved, we will connect you with your local group who will be your guide and support as you get involved. Please be aware that in order to go into prison, you must also complete the prison’s own security process, which can take some time, and is independent of PF’s application process, so we appreciate your patience as you begin engaging in this important ministry!
Our local groups are the central way PF works in prison chaplaincies. Those groups are supported by a small but efficient Support Team who manage the volunteer recruitment process, keep groups updated about changes in the prison sector, and provide support and encouragement to our volunteer Group Leaders. Even a small investment into this support structure can enable our skilled, motivated volunteers to do so much more!

— Pray for our Pastoral Care ministry

Prison and chaplaincy staff work hard in challenging environments. Will you support them in prayer?